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Our Research Project

During the turtle season in Zakynthos, our volunteers and interns collect data during 7 am morning surveys. We are not permitted to go beyond the turtle barrier to where the turtle nests are (only Archelon, who are in association with the National Marine Park of Zakynthos, are allowed to). We collect our data on the number of nests and the number of hatchling tracks we find on Gerakas Beach for our data records.

New nests refer to a nest laid the previous night. False crawls refer to turtle crawl tracks that did not result in them laying their eggs. Approximately half of all emergences result in a female crawling on the beach and re-entering the water without laying a nest.

This image is of a turtle nest marker that Archelon and the National Marine Park of Zakynthos use to indicate that a turtle nest is below. Walking too close to these turtle nests can destroy the nest and endanger the hundreds of turtle hatchling eggs that are incubating below. When visiting the beaches please remember to give the nests plenty of space and do not walk or lay on the sand near where the nests are marked. Help us save hundreds of sea turtles and help their species live on!
This image indicates the tracks of an adult female turtle coming ashore to lay her eggs (left side of the image) and next to the adult female’s tracks is a hatchling track (right side of the image) having left the nest to make its way to the sea to start its journey of life! This represents the circle of life as turtles tend to return to the same beach that they were born on as hatchlings!